Monday, July 28, 2014

The better angels of of our nature

Just a quick post for now (will post about San Cristobal later), but we thought this was important to share.

Twice so far on this trip (knock on wood there isn't a third time), members of our team have lost a wallet and an iPhone (sigh). One would assume those items were gone, no matter where we were, but especially in Guatemala where money is scarce. That's what one would assume of course and we all know what happens when you assume.

The wallet was left on one of the buses that the students take to the camps each day. The person who lost the wallet (an adult on the trip), went to the bus terminal where all the buses and and restart their routes, found the bus he was on and found his wallet with everything inside.

The phone was lost on Friday at a local restaurant. On Sunday, when we were in San Cris, a young woman came up to our group and handed over the phone. Turns out she knows someone who works at the restaurant who knew we were a basketball team and knew we would be playing in San Cris on Sunday, so they gave her the phone and she brought it to us! This is an amazing story on so very many levels.

Anyway, this just highlights to all of us that there are good people out there everywhere.

1 comment:

Natalie Adams said...

What a heart-warming story! Glad to hear about these acts of kindness.