Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Adios Guatemala

It's about 3 a.m. (Guatemala time) on our last day in Guatemala and while most of the group is sleeping, some of us have decided to push on through until the 4 a.m. departure time for the airport.

While we know that everyone will be glad to get home to see family and friends and to take a good, strong, hot shower, it really is with heavy heart that we leave Guatemala this morning.

For 33 days we've lived together, laughed together, learned together, and some times fought/disagreed with each other. We've met many new people and have created life-long friendships and bonds that stretch across language, race and borders.

For some of us, Guatemala has touched our hearts and souls like no other place or experience and it's our genuine hope that the Hoops Sagrado students are as forever changed by this experience as those of us "old heads" have been through 10 years of the program.

Adios y gracias Guatemala.
Hoops Sagrado

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